Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Think Inside the Box #2

This week, I am meeting with a client in Florida to share our analysis of the MCIF data and review our recommendations for moving the information gained into a knowledge-backed plan!

The key has been helping them see that they have the information they need...but our "filters" based on experience and the expertise we have developed, has opened their eyes to what the knowledge they now have at their disposal to move forward in a very targeted, strategic manner!

Thinking inside the box!

Take a new look at what you have...and then extrapolate that information into tangible cannot-be-ignored knowledge that drives three levels of activities:
  1. Organizational level
  2. Product level
  3. Point-of-purchase front line staff level
Each level in integral to the overall success of your marketing strategy and each level is inter-related to ensuring that the knowledge is moved into action!

in 2011, we are developing a Brown Bag Lunch Series session specifically addressing the "think inside the box" strategy and gives tips and hints into the exact items you need and what questions you should be asking to land at the 'cannot-be-ignored' stage.

Look for more information and the entire 2011 Brown Bag Lunch Series schedule coming out next week.


Bruce Clapp

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