Monday, June 4, 2012

Lead, follow...or Get out of the Way!


The turn of the calendar as we near mid-year...that always brings questions of "where are we" and "are we on course?"... both questions generate the need for a leader to answer. The time to enact change and lead a course correction is now!

Leaders can either be born or created...and great situations create great leaders.  Times or war, internal conflict, economic challenge or simply product maturity all create situations that leaders must prevail if the company is to prevail.  Leaders are ones that are willing to make the hard decisions, ask the tough questions but more importantly they are the ones that get everyone to rally together and great momentum forward.  Is that you?

The one great question to ask of yourself?   Here it is...

Five Qualities of an Effective Leader

Barry Overstreet outlined several qualities that all leaders posses, a few of the most important are:
  • Vision- A leader is able to see where they’re headed far into the future.  They stay laser-focused on that vision.
  • Attitude- Leaders maintain a positive attitude.  They realize life happens, but they don’t let the bad or negative things affect them long-term.
  • Passion- Leaders bring excitement, passion, and intensity to whatever task they devote their time to.
  • Servant Mentality- Leaders understand that to get what they want out of business and life, they have to meet others needs and help them to be successful first.
  • Perseverance- Leaders don’t quit. Ever. They latch on to their vision and don’t let any obstacle get in their way.  They live by the theory that a failure is simply one step closer to success, and that you just have to get up one more time than you fall down.
Your question for a Monday morning...ready to step up?  Ready to lead?  Ready to make a difference?

Your organization is calling...answer the call!




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