Monday, May 10, 2010

The tide will turn...

Good morning and HAPPY MONDAY to everyone....

Thank God its Monday!

Today really is a good day.  Sunny, not windy and will be getting my daughter is getting back to a good plateau in her health!

Now, for the update...later this week, we will be launching an exciting new service for bankers around the country and the timing is based upon my belief that the tide has begun to turn and there are plenty of bankers that are looking to charter a new course and the investment community is seeing the opportunity, too.

De novo banks typically open in areas where a void has been left or created.  Closed banks, merged banks, growing markets...all ripe for a de novo bank.  With many execs displaced in mergers, the executive operational talent and drive to start a bank is richly available. 

Here is a chart of de novo bank start-ups in the last couple of years.  You can see they have fallen, but the rise is about to occur.  MarketMatch will be there to help with our expertise and focused assistance!

As you can see, there are parts of the country that flourish with de novo bank openings... keep your eyes open for our announcement later this week.



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