Monday, November 9, 2009

Catering to the Recession Mentality

Good morning!

What a great Monday it is...November is kicking in gear and its the 9th already!  Only 47 more days until Christmas.  That thought leads me to my post today!

In reading the Wall Street Journal today, an article struck is entitled the same as the blog post- Catering to the Recession Mentality. It discusses the reality that many people are still sticky pretty close to the vest when considering spending. In fact, they quote two very telling statistics:
  • 74% of people intend to buy items on sale
  • 54% intend to use more coupons
If we are in fact retail businesses, we need to take a cue from our retail brethren and follow their lead (and the consumer, too!)  While I am a true value marketer and that may seem to fly in the face of using coupons and having "sale" items.  I am reminded of a time that at Bank One (yep, pre-Chase) we had a display at a technology fair and had t-shirts for sale at $10 a piece.  We did not see ONE shirt the 1st day.  The 2nd day, we got creative...we posted a sign with a $15 price with a slash through it and a note that said "Today only $12".  We sold EVERY shirt we had...and at $2 MORE than the day before!

The consumer is seeking VALUE...and if PRICE is their only sense of value then that rules.  If we can paint of different picture of value through relationships, account packaging, etc. we can address the consumer's need for a "deal" and take a page from our retailing brethren.

So you task is to strategize ways to bring VALUE to your marketing...price is one option...but leave that one for last....

Happy marketing!



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