Monday, December 8, 2008

Blog Series #2 -- Making Marketing Relevant

Relevance. Webster's defines it as "connected to the matter at hand. Pertinent." I believe relevance means that "it ties to my life." Relevance is also in the eye of the beholder. However, as a marketer, we know that we can influence relevance and that without it...we are a complete after thought -- if that much.

Being relevant starts with understanding who your audience is...from an internal and external perspective. Determining what their needs are (asking them) and then communicating in a manner that resonates. Resonates is an important word when it comes to relevance. Your message has to "hit home" to create relevance and connect to your target audience's life.

The concepts you need to analyze for your organization....
  • who is our target?
  • what is their need (individual and collective)?
  • what is their reference point?
Once you determine these can begin to craft a communication tone and message. the last item is perhaps the most critical...their reference point. This simple (yet complex) idea is that each of our customers and prospects has a reference point for us. It may be through a parent, their work, their friends, or through media. The reference point is the fulcrum of their balancing point with us...the starting point to creating, enhancing or cancelling a relationship with us. We have to know their reference point to better understand their needs, buying behaviors and the influences in their life.

The relevance of our marketing starts and ends with our communications. Facebook. MySpace. ING. Zappos. There are new breeds of communication delivery everywhere...some include a financial implication directly, but all impact us in some way. If we chose to target the millennials...and we decide to use Facebook. We could be committing a major misstep. The new communication tools come with a new set of rules. Get to know them.... talk to millennials that work for you, bank with you, or have a reference point with current customers of you.

The best relevance message includes:
  • clear connection to the reference point
  • clear connection to their need
  • clear connection to the future
You have built the uniqueness of you, your organization and your take that uniqueness and ensure it is relevant to your target.

In these times, relevance matters. Being at the right place at the right time matters, too. Here is an article about being a community bank in today's economic times...this is the RIGHT place and RIGHT time for community bankers!


Bruce Clapp

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