Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Marketing in small bites

I can take this title in a million different directions. We all know that large projects are completed more easily when broken into small bite-sized chunks. We also know that small everything is popular right now...small plates (or Tapas for us foodies), small cars, small dogs, small shirts (will someone please cover up that gen-y belly button!) and 100-calorie packs (ok, those are smart...but still small!).

So, why as marketers do we always think bigger is better? Is it? Apparently not. And in today's market we are being forced to do more with less, so maybe smaller is better? Still not so much. But smarter is better.

Find new and creative ways to get your message out that are cost effective while reaching your target market. Did you know that there are 1.4 blogs created each second and that 40% of all Americans read blogs*? Blogs are free. You can blog about the donation you just made to the Chamber of Commerce Golf outing, blog about employee promotions, product promotions, anything you PAY to advertise can be press releases, keep a community updated on the new branch construction project. Blog about the new coin machine in your lobby. Be creative, and be consistent!

What about email marketing? Think about it. It's cost effective and can be VERY targeted to your existing customer base.

Today I will keep it short and simple. Take 10 minutes to brainstorm 5 new ways to get your message out that won't hit hard on your budget. I have given you a head start on 2!

Happy thinking!

*According to Synovate/MarketingDaily Study, 2007

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