Communications can be tricky...it can also be very easy! The challenge is knowing when the communication is clear and when the message is invisible to the recipient! I love this graphic...it tells the story of communication, where the sender has a clear message and the recipient sees nothing! This happens all too often...
I recently came across a string of conversations where both parties were "clear" in their intentions and needs, the challenge was both parties were talking in their own language and not in "universal speak". This is my own term...one that I use to describe simple terms, usually pictures or graphics are involved and there is nothing to "get" or interpret....it is what it is. We have to speak clearly, use common words, paint a picture of our intent, and ensure the recipient understands by asking for an action. This could be see us at www....; call us at...; come into to see us at...; we have to ask for positive action to ensure we are reaching our audience.
To my point on communications. How many times do bankers read other bankers or CU ads and articles and wander "at what point was THAT a good idea??" If you have wondered it aloud, chances are people have thought the same about your communications. In these times of uncertainty, economic pain, and universal distrust, WE have to communicate clearly and leave nothing to interpretation.
I encourage every marketer at every bank and CU to take a 2nd and 3rd look at your current communications...look at EVERYTHING. The web, your brochures, your emails, your memo's, your signage...
- Are you communicating clearly?
- Is it the message that is MOST relevant to your customer?
- Is the message one that elicits action?
- Do you provide value in your message?
- Does your staff "get" your message, too?
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