When I was in 7th grade, I was put in a situation (at the last minute) to prepare and deliver a speech in front of my entire middle school...parents, teachers and all...for the 8th grade graduation ceremony. Not sure how or why I was chosen, but this is how it went down.
I called in my hero for help. "Dad, what am I gonna do???" And that's when Dad introduced me to Toastmasters and the magic of Yogi Berra quotes. You may not know who he is, but it's always a great (and well understood) ice breaker! My first speech was great...nobody fell asleep and I did not throw up! This was the beginning if many fond memories of combing through Yogi Berra-isms with my Dad hoping to find the perfect opener for a speech or presentation. I think that's how I landed where I am today...speaking of today..
This is how my day started: From a fellow Twitterer Paulsworld: "EARTH DAY THOUGHT: If I were Yogi Berra I would say, 'Sustainability is here to stay'" AWESOME!! Thanks, Paulsworld!
So, what does this have to do with marketing and are we really talking about Yogi Berra? Because, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." As the wise man once said. He must have been talking about the evolution of electronic communications in banking, right?!?!
So, that's my thought for the day. Fellow bank marketers, we are facing a fork in our road right now. The economy is changing, the marketplace demands are changing, and your delivery options are changing. Will you be changing with them or hanging out the dugout watching the game?
"You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going because you might not get there." Yogi is so relevant, isn't he??
So, will you take the fork?
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