I can’t believe she…
OMG, did you see how they…
If you listen to Rush Limbaugh or NPR…. If you watch E! or Extra, CNN or FOX News, you’ll notice it.
We’ve become a nation of Armchair Quarterbacks.
People become rich by simply sitting back and waiting for politicians and “celebrities” to screw up – then ignoring all of their own faults and pointing out the flaws in everyone around them.
They expect perfection from everyone, but add absolutely no value of their own to the world.

The next time you're involved in brainstorming or as a sounding board for other’s big ideas, remember the armchair QBs.
Not every idea you’ll hear will be a good one, but just about every idea has some merit – no matter how hidden. Individuals who spend more time ADDING value and creating ideas than they do dismantling other’s ideas move projects forward.
My personal rule of thumb … Never present a problem without a possible solution. For every reason you find for why something won’t work, create at least one way to make it successful.
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