Monday, May 21, 2012

Hmmm...and other thoughts.

Good morning all...

Sitting here thinking about life.  How fast it goes, how great it is, how serendipitous it is...and it hit me.

Life is made up of thoughts...
Thoughts that are...
  • Funny
  • Deep
  • Interesting
  • Disturbing
  • Strategic
  • Fleeting
The key is knowing what thoughts to act on and what to simply let drift away. As marketers, we know that thinking about strategy and tactical execution is NOT the hard part...its never a challenge to imagine what you COULD do... the magic is determining what you SHOULD do., I will help you categorize your thoughts into four key segments:
  • Thoughts to share
  • Thoughts to act on
  • Thoughts to think about
  • Thoughts to let go

Thoughts To Share

These are magical, inspiring thoughts that make you do equal part "hmmm" and "wow."  You know it when it think "this could really be something."  When these thoughts come...SHARE!  Twitter, meeting, email, pen and paper-- whatever is handy at the time.  An example of a thought to share:

"What if I created a program that allowed people to share pictures, updates and information and connect/reconnect with friends?"


Thoughts to Act On

These are thoughts that prompt action and excitement.   Many times they are smaller thoughts that can lead to bigger items/thoughts/rewards.  Thoughts to act on are ones that have a time horizon and need action to bring them to life.  An example of a thought to act on:

"That woman is the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

(when I first met my wife)

Thoughts to Think About

These are thoughts that require a bit more time to "cook to completion."  These thought starters usually generate more questions and thoughts as they make their way to a complete thought.  An example of a thought to think about:

"I wonder if a company focused exclusively on marketing for financial institutions would work?"

(when I first thought about starting MarketMatch)

Thoughts To Let Go

These are usually destructive thoughts.  While sometimes easy to generate, they usually take time, effort and energy and yield very little.  These thoughts are best let go and allowed to evaporate into the air!  An example of a thought to let go:

"I wonder if I could land on my feet from jumping off that tower? "

(Anyone from JackAss- the movie)

The key to good and productive thinking is the realization about what type of thoughts you are having.  Just like life itself, its all about focusing on the 20% of your thoughts that will yield 80% or more of your success.

Happy thinking!


Bruce Clapp

Want to learn more?  Enroll in the MarketMatch eCollege!  Smart learning online sessions delivered five consecutive Tuesdays with 2.5 CFMP credits for EACH session, tactical advice and a game plan for success!  Enroll here!

MarketMatch is a full-service marketing consulting firm, dedicated to the credit union and community banking community.  We utilize knowledge-based strategies to help you FOCUS on the efforts that will generate MOMENTUM and yield the greatest RESULTS for your bottom line.

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