Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Working Backwards to Move Forward

Have you ever planned a campaign or event and were running around last minute scrambling to complete everything in time? If so, a backwards plan may be exactly what you need. Begin with the end in mind. Backwards planning is a great time management tool. By planning a campaign or event backwards it is easier to guarantee nothing is missed and everything comes together perfectly.

First, define the end result. Then record every step and sequence to receive the result. Finally, create the deadline driven timeline. Use a blank calendar and mark down the number of days until the event or campaign launch. Be sure to exclude the days you aren’t at work, such as weekends and holidays, etc. This will give you and your team an accurate picture of where you are and how much time is left to complete each task.

This same concept works as well for setting personal and career goals. 

Success to you!

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