Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Managing To The Customer's 1%

Lets face it.  Regardless of your great checking product or competitive rates or fancy branches, when it comes down to it, customers really want convenience and assurance.
The convenience is the acquisition phase. In most cases, the FI with the most branches wins market share.  But we can get into the discussion of covering the footprint vs brand awareness and differentiation in a different blog.

Today, I want to discuss retention and relationship depth … the assurance phase.

When it comes to existing customers, here’s the REAL secret …

99% of the time, your customers just want you to do your job!  Don’t screw up!

It’s what happens in the other 1% of the time that really helps you to stand out. That other 1% -- when they’ve mismanaged their budget, want to make a major purchase, are experiencing a significant life change, need guidance.

Our rally cry as bankers should be to shine during the customer’s 1%.
  • Train to spot the 1%: Your staff should understand this 1% rule and know the difference between a need to simply do their jobs and a need that will change a customer’s life.
  • Life Stage: To help identify many of your 1% situations, understand the events in a typical life cycle that impact someone’s finances.  Define the events, understand the customer needs, present solutions, provide front-line tools and train, train, train.
  • Tell your story: Your staff impact customer’s lives every day.  Your bank or credit union has helped many customers tell their life stories.  You’ve helped them buy their first home, manage their budget so they can keep their home in times of trouble, you’ve helped to retire early or restructure finances when priorities change with the birth of a child.  You should share these stories inside and outside of your branches.
Being prepared for the customer’s 1% will help to create more loyal customers, will increase referrals, and will help deepen relationships.  Keeping their accounts accurate and not charging ridiculous fees is expected – for the day-to-day stuff, people only notice when you drop the ball.  But, being there for customers when they REALLY need you is what gets them talking and keeps them with you.

MarketMatch is a full-service marketing consulting firm, dedicated to the credit union and community banking community.  We utilize knowledge-based strategies to help you FOCUS on the efforts that will generate MOMENTUM and yield the greatest RESULTS for your bottom line.

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