Lets put aside for a minute what you SAY your brand is...
What do your customers say your brand is? How do you make business decisions? How does your staff act? How are your products different? How do people FEEL when they do business with you? What do people EXPECT from you?
If you had to say your were like someone, would it be:

: Swaddling customers in 5-senses experience

: Consistency and "on every corner" access

: You get what you pay for
(isn't an Escalade really just a pimped out Suburban?!?!)

: Always low prices ... Always!!!

: Our service is so good, we'll even escort you to the bathroom
: Hip

: First to market (real or perceived) - continually reinventing yourself
Your brand isn't just your logo or your tag line. It's not just your beautiful branches and well-mannered staff. Your brand is your total experience. As you prepare for 2011, look in the mirror ... talk to your customers and prospects ... soul search. Are you who you want to be next year?
Want a good hard, objective, look at your brand? Click here!!!
Take care,
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