Life in the fast lane can take its toll on anyone! People are turning to helpings of positivity to give them inspiration to face everyday.
Where do you draw positivity? Read a positive article, inspirational quote, or a spiritual passage. Visualize something that makes you happy, your smiling child, a deep belly laugh, or a funny story. As you notice one positive action you will begin to experience more positivity around you. As you become more positive you will be amazed at what starts to happen around you.
Have you ever watched a fish come to the surface on a still pond? It surfaces and sends ripple after ripple across the water. What if you were to do that? Do something positive, something good in your "still" day and watch the good of your deep ripple over and over. Your good deed, good attitude will become contagious. Contagious with something that someone will want to catch.
Positive actions matter!
Make it a great Friday. Enjoy your weekend and until we talk again.
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