Many marketers are uploading video to YouTube, but they reaaaaallllyyy don't know how to exactly leverage this platform.
First, let's reiterate that video is content. And content should be leveraged and syndicated. This will help (as I wrote in my "SONAR" post) with backlinks, SEO, traffic generation, lead generation and monetization, and buzz.
The best video sharing sites to upload your videos to are:
YouTube, Google Video, MetaCafe, and DailyMotion.
These sites are extremely popular and get the most traffic/visitors.
Also, don't forget you can also syndicate your video content through RSS (if you have RSS on your website).
OK, some quick tips on optimal video for SEO:
1) Clips should be less than 5 minutes (1-3 min.), relevant, benefit oriented and interesting for the users. They could also be teaser snipets that link to a fuller-length video that is housed on your website.
2) Make sure your video has a powerful, eye-catching title. This is where good copywriting skills come in. Think "headline" or "banner ad" -- something that a user will only see for a few seconds then decide if they will click.
3) Make sure your title and description is chock full of your top keywords, keywords that are in your video and that your target audience will search under.
4) Make sure your video is tagged (meta data) properly with your keywords to get picked up by SE Spiders.
5) Make sure your video has either your company logo or URL for branding.
6) If the video is on your website, encourage other users to "republish" by providing the proper code. This will help with viral marketing.
7) Cross-market your video in your eNewsletters, website, and in your social media accounts (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) to drive traffic and create buzz.
When done right, marketing via video is a cost effective, efficient, and powerful way to get prospects and profits. And best of all...the viral factor could be off the charts!
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