Wednesday, July 28, 2010
How MSP's Can Take Advantage of B2B Marketing Automation - Part 1
The best way to identify the kinds of marketing services that are likely to see increased demand is to identify the tasks that B2B companies must perform in order to take full advantage of marketing automation systems. There are eight major tasks that are essential to implementing and successfully using marketing automation technologies. Most of these tasks provide the foundation for new marketing techniques that many B2B companies have not previously used. Therefore, many B2B firms – especially small and mid-size companies – will need assistance to perform some or all of these tasks, and that’s what creates the opportunity for savvy marketing service providers. I’ll describe two of these major tasks in this post, and I’ll cover the others in my next few posts.
Creating an Ideal Customer Profile – This task is right out of Marketing 101, and it should be a core component of every company’s marketing process, whether or not marketing automation is involved. An ideal customer profile is simply a description of the kinds of companies that make the best customers and, by extension, the most attractive prospects. The ideal customer is usually described in terms of “firmographics” such as industry classification, company size, and geographic location. The ideal customer profile is used to shape lead generation programs, and it is one major component of the lead scoring system that will be set up as part of the marketing automation implementation.
Obviously, a marketing service provider cannot decide what a client’s ideal customer profile should be. The role of the MSP is to lead the client through a process that is designed to ensure that all the right questions are asked and that all the appropriate factors are considered.
Developing Buyer Personas – Most B2B buying decisions are made (or significantly influenced) by a group of people rather than by one individual. This is true even in relatively small companies. Research firm MarketingSherpa says that in companies having between 100 and 500 employees, the average number of people involved in buying decisions is 6.8. This buying group is usually composed of individuals who have different points of view regarding a proposed purchase. For example, a “user buyer” will usually have different priorities than a “technical buyer” or an “economic buyer.” To market to these buyers effectively, a company must develop marketing content that addresses the specific needs of each type of buyer in the buying group. The basis for developing such content is buyer personas.
A buyer persona is a biographical sketch of a typical buyer. It is more than a job title. Buyer personas are written in narrative form, and they are written as if the archetypical buyer is a real human being. A company needs to create a persona for each type of buyer who significantly influences the purchase decision. Marketing automation systems enable companies to create and execute marketing programs that are customized for each type of buyer, but the starting point for leveraging this functionality is the creation of buyer personas.
To develop a complete buyer persona, marketers must answer several questions about each type of buyer. Here are some examples:
•What are the buyer’s major business objectives and job responsibilities?
•What strategies and tactics does the buyer use to achieve his objectives and fulfill his responsibilities?
•What measures are used to evaluate the buyer’s job performance?
•What issues and problems keep the buyer awake a night?
•How old is the typical buyer? [Age range is OK]
•Is the buyer typically male or female?
•What is the typical buyer’s educational background?
•What sources does the buyer turn to for information?
•How would the buyer describe the issues he or she is facing?
As with the ideal customer profile, an MSP cannot build buyer personas “for” a client, but the MSP can lead the client through the process of developing buyer personas that will drive relevant and effective marketing.
In my next post, I’ll cover two more tasks relating to marketing automation that MSP’s can help B2B marketers perform.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Give Your Customers What They Want: The Importance of Product Development, Front-Ends and Back-Ends
Whether you're launching a new business or you're established, product development should be an active part of your strategic business plan.
However, many companies - large and small - oftentimes neglect product development due to internalized myths such as:
·We don't need extra products
·We don't have the time to develop extra products
·We don't have the money to develop extra products
First, let me say if your products are relevant and useful, I believe you can never have too many products. One thing you need to constantly do is "ask" your list (i.e. subscribers/customers/clients) what they want. You can do this in many ways, such as simple and brief surveys or questioners. You can also take the 'idea' of a product and test offer it to your list.
For instance, if you're thinking about offering a copywriting coaching service, start out by measuring internal sentiment. Create a simplified version of this product which has the "essence", like an eBook called, "50 Hot Copywriting Tips". Price it attractively, and promote it to your file. If your file responds well to the eBook, they'll likely respond well to a more comprehensive version of the eBook, whether it involves multi-media components (such as workbook, DVD, CDs) or a personal coaching element. So your eBook would be your "front-end" product (low price point), your kit would be your "mid priced" product, and your personal coaching would be your "back-end" product.
This leads me to my next point - pricing levels. Many companies make the mistake of either having many front-ends products, and no back-end, or visa versa. Here's my belief: Front-ends are relatively easy to create and involve little cost. So there's the myth-buster of "not having time" or "not having money". If it's an eBook, there's little overhead, outside of the gathering of information (editorial time), production and graphics design. And you're saving money by fulfilling it digitally to customers.
However, the product line shouldn't end there. Your customers are going to look for more comprehensive information. And that level of detail will mean a higher price - which they'll be willing to pay for. So if you're not offering them a mid or back-end product - you're actually doing a disservice to your list. They will go to your competitors to buy that information. So why not make sure you have a well-rounded product list with varied price points?
Here's a sample of pricing levels:
1. First level - free newsletter
2. Second level - paid reports, paid newsletters ($1 - $99). Front-End
3. Third level - Bundled products, kits, membership sites ($100 - $499). Mid-Priced
4. Fourth level - Conferences and events ($500 - 999). Back-End
5. Fifth level - Premium service, upscale events ($1000 - $2,999). Back-End
6. Sixth level - Lifetime value clubs, VIP products ($3,000+). Ultra Back-End. This is ideal for your true multi-buyer, loyal, advocate customers ... the Golden Goose!
Now, keep in mind, the aforementioned may not be your business model. You may sell a service or retail item, as opposed to contextual-based infoproducts. But it still gives you an idea about pricing structure and product variety.
Also, if you read last week's issue, you'll know that content is king. So recycle it. Repurpose it. And repackage it. You can take articles, blog posts, webinars, bonus materials, conference transcripts, etc. There's many sources of content that can be re-used for creating product.
What About Going Outside Your List?
If you have a product and not sure how viable it is on the global platform, you can do a few things to test product viability...
1. Use PPC ads to see if there's general market interest. That is, use a "quick and dirty", watered down version of your "real" product. For example, a free or paid (i.e. under $10) eBook. Create up to 5 ads on Google Ad Words. Run them for about 2-3 weeks. Each ad should be different in tone and pitch. Because you don't want poor copy to influence your results. Based on ad clicks and conversions (i.e. leads or sales), you'll have a good idea if there's general interest in your product/idea.
2. Go to eBook market places like and see what's hot, what's in demand. You can search topics to see what's the most popular.
3. Do your research in related blogs, chat rooms, forums. See what people are talking about within your niche or product genre.
4. Do keyword research. Using Google's free external keyword search tool, check and see what the actual keyword search volume is on your relevant, targeted keywords related to your audience and product.
My suggestion is start out with the 3-2-1 approach. That is, 3 front-end products, 2 mid-priced products, and 1 back-end product. From there, you will define and refine your product development based mostly on demand.
If you're in need of assistance in product development or testing your product's viability, you can contact me at .
Friday, July 23, 2010
Know Your Audience Better

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Find Out The Secrets For Buying Online Ads For Less
If you're a newbie to online media buying then do I have great news for you!
Discover the best ways to get the most bang for your buck when buying online advertising. Check out my new .pdf eBook -- Muscle Media: The Complete Guide to Buying Online Ads for Less. It’s jam packed with 25-pages of proven, powerful, money saving ideas to buy online media and boost ad performance.
It also contains "must know" insider tips and tricks including:
-Creating a high-peforming (low cost!) media plan
-Proven techniques for developing powerful online ads
-Best online ad networks (based on my personal, unbiased, hands on experience!)
-Suggested media allocations
-Reporting tips
-Media ‘cheat sheet’ with must ask questions for your next media buy
-Business negotiations 101
-Free web tools
-And much more!
Special Limited Time Offer
With every eBook purchase you’ll also receive as a complimentary gift, my comprehensive media performance ‘direct response tracking’ template to help you monitor and track your online campaigns.
Visit now for details.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Building Revenues with Affiliate Marketing
You can go about this through affiliate networks, such as Commission Junction or LinkShare, or simply start an Affiliate program on your website and track sales and commissions with affiliate software, such as DirectTrack. Software costs could range any where from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars ... depending on how robust you'd like your features.
But before you start, make sure you know the critical elements to help grow your Affiliate program:
1) Promotion. This is where you're promoting your program on targeted locations as well as recruiting affiliates to market your program. You'll want to make sure you list your program on all the top affiliate directories, networks, forums, associations, bulletin boards, websites, listings and blogs. You'll also want to leverage free classified sites such as Craig's List as well as social media sites like LinkedIn. And of course, don't forget to create a powerful news release on the program's launch.
2) Site Awareness. It will be hard to promote your program to a site that doesn't have a decent web traffic rank or web traffic (visits). If your site has poor traffic, a professional Affiliate marketer will look at it as a lost opportunity. It will only make his job harder. So make sure to deploy SEO/SEM tactics to improve your site's presence before you start your Affiliate program.
3) Online Store. Make sure you know which are your best selling and most universally appealing products. Those are the ones you'd want to have in your affiliate program. You should also have varied price points. You don't want to pick prices too low, as after the affiliate split, there won't be anything left. And you don't want to pick prices too high, as since most of these leads are cold, it will be a harder sell. A good range is $69 - $300.
4) Affiliate Rewards. Decide if you're going to pay out per lead (CPL) or per sale. Decide if you're going to have a flat commission rate OR a tiered system. Do your competitive research and see what other, similar affiliate programs are paying out. Some of the best performing programs on the Web are offering 25% of the product price.
5) Analytics. Make sure you have a robust reporting system. You'll want the ability to track underperformers and super affiliates, and reward OR incent accordingly. You'll also want to know which creatives are performing the best and worst, and of course, how many sales and leads are coming in as well as how long the lead is staying on the file and their life time value (sales).
6) Keeping In Touch. Top affiliate programs often have a newsletter or ongoing communication to keep their affiliates engaged...up to date on latest products being offered, special sales incentives, updates to program terms, and other newsworthy notes.
Affiliate marketing can help with most all of your online marketing objectives ... lead gen, sales conversions, web traffic, branding and buzz. Not having one could be detrimental to your business.
If you need assistance with setting up your affiliate marketing plan, you can contact me at
Spend less, grow more.

Regardless the terminology, with shrinking budgets and more savvy consumers, you need to focus your marketing efforts. The goal here is to: filter everyone “into” a group versus out of groups, to maximize response & activity and to get the highest ROI for the greatest impact.
MCIF, CRM and Claritas system can all definitely help here, but are certainly not the only answer.
You’ll want to base your segmentation, ultimately, on: your bank or credit union’s financial goals, your existing customer-base, any regional factors and what your competition is doing.
Certainly you want to be strategic in your planning, but don’t suffer from “Analysis Paralysis,” while you’re planning your attack (or picking up the phone to have us help you), here are some segments to consider approaching:
- Checking/debit card without online banking
- More than 5 POS activities with no loan
- 5 or more CDs with no investment services
- 2 or more installment loans with no LOC
- Installment loans maturing within 24 mos.
- Equity LOCs booked 5+ years ago
- Equity LOCs with more than $5K available
- Checking, Savings and no Money Market
- Checking, CD and no Money Market
- Homeowner with no HELOC
- HHs close to balance thresholds
- HHs with open LOC space
- Homeowner with no HELOC
- Grandparents/Parents/College grads (select any life-stage that generates specific financial needs)
- Small business without retail
The bottom line is that smart, strategic, targeted marketing demands a larger investment of your time, but can save your budget and ultimately show better results.
Take care,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Are you an expert? You must be a failure

Monday, July 12, 2010
When the circus comes to town

If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying "Circus Coming to the Fairground Saturday", that's advertising.
If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town,
that's promotion.
If the elephant walks through the mayor's flower bed, that's publicity.
And if you get the mayor to laugh about it, that's public relations.
If the elephant walks down neighborhoods with more children than the rest and a higher # of former circus attendees, that's segmentation.
If the town's citizens go the circus, you show them the many entertainment booths,
explain how much fun they'll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions
and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that's sales.
And, if YOU planned the whole thing, that's MARKETING!
Advertising simply does not work as it used to anymore. It is an ever shrinking component of the marketing plan.
The consumer is frankly completely and totally overwhelmed. We have to be relevant, emotional and sustained!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Today's Marketing Challenge: Is it worth it?

- Define where you are at the start
- Determine the expected or actual outcome of your efforts
- Measure the financial outcome against your investment
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Today's Marketing Challenge: How do I get the most from email marketing?

- Select a system that can accommodate a variety of data fields and multiple audience lists. Use your core system, MCIF or imported email fields to segment and create individual audience lists for specific campaigns.
- Focus your message on value-added tips, but link to relevant products on your website. For example, "You can better manage your budget by using debit cards and online banking to track every dollar spent each month." Then link to your checking account or online banking page(s). If you start the hard-core selling on email, your customers will opt-out and you can no longer email to them.
- Diligently track, track, track. Most email responses will come in the first 3 days, but keep tracking for at least 1 week. Track who opens the email and what they clicked through to. Use the list of customers who clicked through to Online Banking, for example, for outbound sales calls to those folks to see if they had any questions when they clicked to your online banking page. You can provide your CSRs/MSRs with very targeted outbound lists of customers who have shown an interest in a product.
- Diligently track, track, track (part 2). Record the topics of each email you send with the percent of opens, percent of click-throughs and percent of opt-outs to gauge what topics are important to your market.
- Push hard to get your staff to diligently ask about email addresses at EVERY transaction - in the teller line, at the drive-thru, in the call center, heck - even in collections. If they talk to a customer, they should ask, "Can I please have an updated email address?"
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Today's Marketing Challenge: Keeping Social Media Fresh

- Since you'll want to include managers from different business units (preferably even the CEO) and/or staff from different markets, schedule well in advance
- Be clear on exactly who is responsible and exactly what they are responsible for
- Provide recommended topic ideas and talking points. The more you can do for them up-front, the more likely they are to do it
- Be a classy-pest. Send nice reminders prior to their deadline (see if they would like your help)
- Set clear guidelines. Tweets should be short ... Blogs should be no more than XXX words ... Facebook should not be salesy .. etc.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Today's Marketing Challenge: Projects move too slowly, I have a marketing committee

- Help outline and define the plan or marketing objectives
- Help outline and define the budget
- Confirm that the "doer" is acting in accordance with the stated objectives and staying on budget
- Provide insight into what they experience through customer feedback or personal experience in the branches
- Be involved in the day-to-day tactics (they are not copy writers, designers or segmentation professionals -- heck in MOST cases, they are not the target audience, so their "personal opinion" on an ad can actually be detrimental)